Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Anatomy derived from the Greek

Anatomy derived from the Greek ana comprising a means to isolate or parse. And that means Tomos cut up, so the anatomy means decompose and cut. Science shapes and body composition obtained by the agency parse through pieces of body parts and organ relationships with one another, while physiology is the study of physiology or job function of each tissue or organ parts dai and to assess changes that occur in the body of the sick we must first know the structure and function of each of the tools of a healthy human body composition in everyday life. Makanisme special nature of the human body and life beyond our own control, such as thirst and hunger that made us look for a drink and a meal, a cold feeling made us look for warmth and protection. Humans actually move automatically we have feelings, thoughts, and knowledge which is an automated sequence of life allows us to live in a variety of circumstances. At a special function in human cell cluster consisting of gastrointestinal system to digest and absorb food. Respiratory system function to take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide called working procedures on each system plays a role in body functions as a whole, so the science of physiology is to explain the physical factors and chemical responsible for the origin of the development and progress of life of the virus or bakkteri the simplest to the most complex human.

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