Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

On occasion I get involved in all

On occasion I get involved in all the muscle movements with conflicting or otherwise has a different function, the muscles that work the jaw muscles are the muscles osmaksilaris maxillary bone is composed of the left and become one in kana there are large holes what is called the sinus and under osmaksilaris there somewhere vein tooth attachment called alveolar processus. And there sigomatikum OSZ cheekbones which consists of two bones left and right. On the palate bone os ceiling consists of two bones, the left and right. Osmandibularis lower jawbone two left-right and become one in the middle looks like a metal chin man, the face of the form that called the processus taju korakoid namely the attachment of the muscles that make chewing and condyle persedndihan cheekbones. At the upper and lower jaw bone has many holes are where the nerves and blood vessels and bone oshioid lying tongue somewhat separate from the bones wsajah the other is located at the base of the neck between the neck muscles, the muscles that work the muscles when bending tganganyaaitu contraction and relaxation of muscle contraction in which the muscle shortens while the relaxation function extends to the point of muscle relaxation A 26.5 cm while muscle contraction 30cm, at point B we know the purpose or function of the bias of the muscles when we chew something, at point C we can know time that is in use at the time of stretching his arms while lifting an object so of time in perlukann during treatment 1-5 is 35detik, 15detik, 8detik, 5detik, 2detik.
In the second method the pulse and heart rate is influenced by the hot and cold temperatures. Where a definite hot spot beradac at higher temperatures increased heart and pulse. So ddengan a shade will be in the heart rate and decreased pulse, pulse wave is transmitted through the arteries in response tetrhadap boost blood from the heart to aorta.hal is not related to the passage of the heart along the arteries. Places to feel the radial artery is arteriria on the wrist, arteria temporalis super fisial in the ear dorsal artery in the leg.
At the event for the third man in the four major blood groups A, B, O and AB. Proportion manusi the different blood groups. Blood type AB is equal to 5%, 40% blood group A, blood group B 10% and 45% of type O blood. Red blood cells have certain antigens on the surface of anti genes were found in genetic, AB blood cells have antigens A and B. cells of blood type A have antigen A and cells of blood group B have anti gen B.golongan O blood does not have anti-gen. man plasma containing antibodies against anti-gene does cukup.orang who got blood on call recipient and the person who gives blood donor call.

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