Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Arterial blood pressure

Blood pressure
Arterial blood pressure is the force of blood pressure to the walls of blood vessels that contain it, changing every stage of the heart cycle. During ventricular contraction (left ventricular force blood into the aorta) the pressure rises until the top is called the systolic pressure. During the relaxation of the pressure drops, the lowest value is called the diastolic pressure.
Systolic blood pressure generated by the heart muscle that drives the content of the ventricle into the artery that had been terengang. During the relaxation of arteries was bulging because peripheral resistance of arterioles to block all blood flow into the network. The contraction is maintained by vasoconstrictor nerves and controlled by the center in the medulla oblongata vasomotorik. The human circulatory system

The main function of the heart

The main function of the heart is to pump oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.The heart is divided by a septum fruit (septum) into two parts, namely the left (one atrium and one ventricle) and right (one atrium and one ventricle). Each ventricle and atrium connected by atrio-ventricular lubung that there is a hole on each valve. This valve serves to keep the blood flowing only one stream only (the atria to the ventricles). Oxygen-rich blood from the lungs through the pulmonary vein entered the left atrium into the left ventricle of the heart and into the aorta occurs where the systematic circulation of oxygen-rich blood will be delivered out of the heart through the vena cava into the right atrium, right ventricle, and then finally brought out the heart of the whole body through the pulmonary artery
The heart contracts to pump blood. If the relaxation of the heart chambers heart will be filled with blood. Contraction phase is called systole, while the relaxation phase is called diastole. When ventricular relaxation of blood flow to the heart closes semilunar valves. Ventricle thicker than the atria because the ventricle pumps blood throughout the body. While the atrium only pumps blood to the lungs and the area around it. Movement of the heart affected by vagus nerve system (the cause of heart motion is slowed or inhibited) and sympathetic (affects the heart rhythm).

, dead leukocytes and foreign objects are in the flow of

Shaped like a nut. Serves as a filter bacteria, dead leukocytes and foreign objects are in the flow of lymph. Usually there are in places forming lymphocytes (neck, axila, torax, abdomen and groin)
5. Duct lymph
Lymph fluid in the lymph channels into the larger lymph ducts and lymph fluid brought into the vein before entering the heart.Lymph system function
1. As a defense system

Lymph leukocytes has composed than various types that have different functions in disease prevention.
Keimunan obtained by the body when the B-lymphocytes bind to the antibodies. Antibodies attack the pathogens that invade the body. Antibodies produced consists than 5 types namely aglutinin, presipitin, opsonin, lysine and antitoxin.
Phagocytosis by phagocytes. Phagocytes in the lymph system is killing foreign leukocytes, infected cells and cells of the body are damaged or tua.Granulosit, monocytes and T-lymphocytes are examples of phagocytes in the lymph system.

2. As the transport system

Bringing the results of digestion especially fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed into the lacteals.
Transporting gases mainly carbon dioxide from the tissues to the blood system via the thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct. In the network, the carbon dioxide into the lymph capillaries as carbon dioxide dissolved. Most carbon dioxide is carried as carbonic acid and sodium bicarbonate.
Lymph system carry liquids, proteins, mineral salts and excess residual substances from the tissues to the blood circulation to the heart and dumped described by the kidneys.
Bring a hormone secreted by the glands of the endocrine tissue into the bloodstream.

The spleen is dark purple gland that is located on the left abdominal area below ribs left hipogstrium nine, ten and eleven. Composed of connective tissue, while the node contents (pulp) consists of network nodes and a large number of blood cells. Lymph wrapped by a capsule consisting of kalogen and elastic tissue and some smooth muscle fibers. The blood vessels of the spleen pulp is poured directly into the blood so it can be mixed with elements delivered to the spleen and liver.

The types of blood vessels:

The types of blood vessels:

Artery: rwarna yellowish / bluish marked with denyutanya. Always carry blood rich in O ². small arteries called arterioles
Capillary: the outpouring of blood arterioles. Capillary wall serves as semiperbiamel membrane that can be penetrated by water, crystalloid and some plasma proteins
Venules: collect blood from the capillary matting and other venules join to form veins
Veins: dark blue, not stronger throbbing. Veins more and more diverse than arteries. Larger cross-section and has a valve. This valve prevents the backflow of blood into the veins in the head and members of the abdominal cavity when the pressure increases.


Lymph duct system is closely linked to the blood circulatory system. Most of the fluid leaving the circulation returned through lymph channels that permeate the tissue spaces.
Lymph system composed the following components:

1. Lymph capillaries
Ducts that have a smooth layer of the cell wall. Lymph capillaries branching and closed at one end.
2. Lymph channels
Similar to the small veins, but have more valves. The smallest lymph vessels (lymphatic capillaries) is composed of a layer of endothelium in any organ. Some kind of special lymph vessels called Laktea.
3. Lacteals

The types of blood vessels:

The types of blood vessels:

Artery: rwarna yellowish / bluish marked with denyutanya. Always carry blood rich in O ². small arteries called arterioles
Capillary: the outpouring of blood arterioles. Capillary wall serves as semiperbiamel membrane that can be penetrated by water, crystalloid and some plasma proteins
Venules: collect blood from the capillary matting and other venules join to form veins
Veins: dark blue, not stronger throbbing. Veins more and more diverse than arteries. Larger cross-section and has a valve. This valve prevents the backflow of blood into the veins in the head and members of the abdominal cavity when the pressure increases.


Lymph duct system is closely linked to the blood circulatory system. Most of the fluid leaving the circulation returned through lymph channels that permeate the tissue spaces.
Lymph system composed the following components:

1. Lymph capillaries
Ducts that have a smooth layer of the cell wall. Lymph capillaries branching and closed at one end.
2. Lymph channels
Similar to the small veins, but have more valves. The smallest lymph vessels (lymphatic capillaries) is composed of a layer of endothelium in any organ. Some kind of special lymph vessels called Laktea.
3. Lacteals

Leukocytes consist of various

 Leukocytes consist of various constituent cells (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes), which has the function of preventing the disease.
Phagocytosis (eating cells that have been damaged or dead). Cells that perform phagocytosis called phagocytes. Examples of phagocytes include Granulocytes, monocytes and T-lymphocytes.

. Prevention intruding germs. Through the mechanism of blood clotting
3. Regulate acid-base balance (pH) of blood.
4. Regulate body temperature.

Blood has the ability to regulate body temperature, because the water contained in the blood have 3 kinds of properties suitable for this purpose are relatively high specific heat of water (the amount of calories needed to raise 1 C 1 kg of the substance).
5. Prevent bleeding.
6. Regulate fluid balance between the blood with tissue fluid.
The tool blood circulation• Tools that serve to circulate blood throughout the human body include:
1. Blood vessel

The blood vessels are closed canal system that brought blood from the heart to all parts of the body and back to the heart.
Blood out and back through the heart of the two distribution are:
Pulmonary circulation: blood through the pulmonary artery into the pulmonaria and back to the heart through a vein Pulmonaris
Systemic circulation: the blood out through the aorta to the body and back through the heart of the superior and inferior vena cava and cardiac veins